Convention Registration $ 31.25.País o países a los que pueden pertenecer los números telefónicos que comienzan con el prefijo 61: Australia: +61. Home > Convention Registration > Convention Registration. This Agreement for the management of Special Service Area Number is entered into 61 as of the date set forth in the Agreement-Specific Information above by and between the Contractor named in the Agreement-Specific Information above ('Contractor'), and the City ofArea 61 Assembly and Area Committee Minutes and National Links Website Guidelines Area 61 Service Manual and Guidelines Area 61 Bylaws Literature Search for: Convention Registration. Area 61 The weekly cornhole league by Totem Pole Cornhole has found its new home at the NEW Area 61 Taphouse in Merlin! Say goodbye to Thursday nights and embrace the thrill of Monday nights, filled with fun, competition, and camaraderie! **Year-Round Leagues and Thrilling Tournaments!** Whether you're a seasoned cornhole enthusiast or a newbie looking.